I had a ‘Joy day’ today; a full day dedicated to basically following my heart and doing exactly what I felt would bring me joy in the moment.
It was a complete change from what I had planned, which was an hour-by-hour schedule of writing, online courses, shopping and housework. But I woke before my alarm, saw the sky and with words not quite as polite as these, thought, ‘sod it, today is mine!’
After walking the dogs and doing some shopping, I spent the rest of the day in the garden. I potted up seedlings, did some weeding and generally tidied up. Then, when the sun began to sink behind the trees, I took some photographs because the light was just too lovely not to. But there were also moments where I just sat and allowed myself to be in the day, neither reflecting nor planning, but just enjoying the warm sun on my face and the sound of the birds.
A few months before my mum died I tried to persuade her to get out more. To join a few craft clubs or go back to the seniors’ bingo evening which she used to enjoy, if not so much for the game, for the social element. She said no and then added, ‘I do enjoy my days you know.’
That one sentence, delivered with such conviction, gives me great comfort in the dark times. When I think about it, that’s the ultimate goal for any of us, isn’t it? If we can go to bed at night and say that we truly enjoyed our day, then we are blessed.
Well, today I can say it: I really did enjoy my Joy-led day.
Thanks Mum x