
Hello. I'm Emma (E.L. Williams) and I write witchy, fantasy fiction.

While I always secretly dreamed of being a writer, I didn't take my writing seriously until I hit my forties and realised that life is way too short not to follow your dreams.

My author journey began in 2020 with the release of ‘The First Ethereal,’ followed by my second book, ‘The Blessing of Crows’ in 2022. My third book, a standalone novel called ‘The Magic Keepers,’ which tells the untold stories of the keepers of the magical libraries, launches on 18 July 2024. Look out for book four in 2025.  

When I'm not weaving magical narratives, you'll find me either buried in a good
book, spying on the local wildlife, or employing stealth tactics to sneak 'just
one more' houseplant past my surprisingly tolerant husband. I’m slowly turning our
home into an indoor jungle, though I'm not sure my Mr. Wonderful has caught on
to the full extent of this plan just yet!

Until recently, our lives revolved around our beloved animals. Our last dog passed away suddenly in 2022 aged 15 and as any animal lover knows, they each take a piece of you with them. We're still not quite ready for another dog of our own, so for now, I content myself with cuddles from friends' pooches, tickling any passing cat who'll tolerate the attention.

Writing is a solitary business, but I love a natter, so please say hello on TikTokInstagram, or Facebook.

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