Well, that title’s a fib for a start. We’ve been away this week, so I’ve not written a thing which makes me feel all sorts of things – chiefly, a bit itchy. It was planned downtime, but I’m not great when I’m not writing and I’m now desperate to get back to book four. I’m even dreaming about the plot!
Warwickshire wanderings
Our wanderings around Warwickshire were helpful though, when you write everything is technically research. We started the week in Leamington Spa, spent a day in Warwick, then headed to Stratford-upon-Avon, but we went back to Warwick, which compared to the other two, felt like a Goldilocks town.
We walked miles, got caught in a downpour, swore at the sat nav a few too many times to count, met some lovely people and enjoyed a beautiful part of the country. Warwickshire will definitely be featuring in something I write! I’ll post some pics on my Instagram.
Pigeons, slugs and sparrows
In other news, we scooped up a pigeon from a busy road and after a night of R&R, the vet declared him fit to release (hurrah!). I finally caught the slug that’s been marauding around the dining room at night (he’s now living his best life in my hosta) and, in not such a Disney turn of events, the sparrow hawk that killed a poor pigeon in our garden the other week returned and claimed a sparrow. I was sitting in the garden at the time, and I know I shouldn’t interfere with nature, but trust me when I say you never want to hear a sparrow scream. I shooed away the hawk and the sparrow got away; I hope he/she survived.
Yesterday wasn’t great, but you know what? None of my worries involved something swooping from the sky and eating me alive, so on that basis, I’m winning. #perspective
It's a beautiful day, so we’re going for a walk in the autumn sunshine at some point. I’m going to plan my week, then finish the declutter I started but didn’t quite complete, while listening to the new Matt Haig book.
What’s your week been like?
Thanks so much, Angela. I’m so glad it resonated. x
Love this blog.
I work on the moors with my dogs doing bird counts and I exactly feel that sense of perspective about how we perceive our worries from a place of relative safety compared to the raw survival in nature.
I feel the same about homelessness and always support those charities because there but for the Grace of hod go I.
Have a great weekend.